Andy and Barbara are a married couple from 10 years. They are on trip. Barbara wants to visit the city, while Andy is tired at home, sleeping. He is lazy, she is at opposite very active.
When Barbara is back home, she finds him on bed jerking his dick. She is sick of that, almost disgusted. When she enters bedroom, he compulsively ask her to fuck, while she answers that is boring. At the end she accepts to give him a blowjob, but she is bored and she takes cellphone in hands while she suck his dick. She text, speak at phone sometime, ignoring him all time.
Barbara a phone call with her friends, telling they are going to meet. The person at phone asks about her boyfriend, so she argues she doesn’t care he will be with them. The man is astonished and ask her to stop it, taking her head again and telling her to licks his balls and let him cum. She do it, but she unexpected count down him from 3 to 1 to cum. He can’t cum and it makes her so fucking crazy, she takes it as an excuse to stop the blowjob and go out the apartment to meet her friend.
During Night Andy comes back too in apartment, finding Barbara into the bed. He takes so a strange kind of pad, with headphones at end that he put on Barbara’s ears, then turns off something but nothing happen. Andy wants to weak up Barbara in night time, whit a weird sound he found on net.
In the morning Andy wakes up and wakes Barbara too. She seems strange, like robotic. The man asks how the she spent her night, but has no answer. Then he tells her about the joke, saying he play some weird music but she didn’t realise it. In the exact moment he pronounces the work play, she answers: “you play I obey”.
The man initially think it is only a joke and start again talking. But when he repeats the word “play”, Barbara says again: “you play I obey”. The man realises now something strange happened night time. So he use again the word to test her, then starts to order her to make weird things, to see if she obey to all kind of orders. Putting arms on top of head, dancing, clapping hands, everything he orders she executes it.
Now the man get closer to her and makes she suck his dick. He fucks her face hard and also orders her to repeat she is his bitch. She does everything, so Andy is now acknowledged the game is not a joke, but a real mind contro program. Nothing better to punish her girlfriend.
Andy orders Barbara to change clothes with sexy panties, then to bend the knee in front of him. He now face fucks her hard, pushing her nose agains his tummy, ordering her to step out her tongue to give him more pleasure, without caring his girlfriend is now starting to vomit all over her body and tits. He keep fucking her harder and harder, till he decides to makes her getting on bed.
Andy is now on bed, with the mind control device near him. He fucks her throat deeper and harder, making she vomits again and again on his balls, then ordering her to clean all. He also tells her he’s teaching her to count, pushing his dick inside her throat each number. If she reaches 10 she can be fucked another position. Barbara is not reaching 10 without vomiting. So the man punishes her with fast and furious face fuck at crazy speed. Then he pushes all dick inside throat and orders her to keep it inside without great to 10. She cannot do first time, but second yes. So now time to change position.
Andy now fucks her girlfriend mouth upside down head on bed, making her cover her face in saliva and vomit, while he uses her throat all and mouth harder then a cunt. He also repeats the counting game, till she is able to reach ten again. But it’s not so easy, cause she vomits before all over face a lot of time, before she can afford it.
At the very end Andy orders Barbara to gets on knees again in front of him, to cover her face in sperm. She executes it and he cover her face with a massive load. Finally, he repeats: “I play”. She answers: “I obey”. Andy is so happy to have now that obedient girlfriend, that tells her she should never unblock her from that condition.